Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nothing to do but work!

Meet my new friend "Miss Oleta." She's 81 years young and lives in the tiny community of Fifty-Six in the Ozark Mountains, a place with no senior activity center or much else for that matter.

After babysitting the local children in her home for years, she had to admit she wasn't as spry as she used to be and quit. But she wasn't ready to quit on life, and so she began to work three days a week at the local, and only, restaurant busing tables and washing dishes.

"My husband passed away a long time ago, and I'm all alone," she said. "I needed to get out."

Miss Oleta remembers a lot of the history surrounding her as she's never lived anywhere else. She remembers walking to school three miles each way, and she proudly announces that she, her husband and their son were all baptized in the waters of Roasting Ear Creek, “the coldest creek there is.”

She doesn’t cook much anymore, and much of the time she eats at the restaurant, known for catfish, steaks, shrimp, homemade rolls, pies and daily specials. “My favorite is the chicken strips,” she said, “and the pecan pie.”

“I have to say she’s the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met. She won’t let anyone cut her grass or cut her wood,” the restaurant owner said.

“But she does let us take her home,” a customer nearby added. “We don’t make her walk anymore.”

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